In cloud hosting virtual servers are used to host multiple websites. Cloud hosting eliminates the need to invest in the maintenance of physical servers. Cloud hosting has become quite popular due to its reliability and flexibility. The best part about cloud hosting is the ability to scale resources to manage sudden increase in traffic.

How does cloud hosting work?

In cloud hosting a network of virtual servers provides unlimited resources to multiple websites. In case of a server failure other servers quickly take its place. Cloud hosting ensures maximum uptime due to the availability of multiple virtual servers. Cloud hosting is user-friendly allowing the users to easily manage their cloud hosting environment.

Cloud hosting vs. dedicated servers vs. VPS

In cloud hosting users get unlimited resources from a network of multiple virtual servers. In cloud hosting users rarely come across any performance related issue. In dedicated hosting users get a dedicated server and resources. Dedicated hosting is more expensive than other hosting solutions. However, dedicated hosting ensures high speed performance for your website. In VPS hosting users get a dedicated virtual server with limited resources. The limited set of resources might result in some performance related issues. However, in VPS hosting users get complete root access to the server. This means you can install the operating system of your preference.

The benefits of cloud hosting

Cloud hosting offers a wide range of benefits from simple convenience to enterprise-level solutions. Beyond the cost savings of offsite hosting, you can expect to find the following benefits:

  • Reliable. Cloud hosting is more reliable than other hosting solutions. In cloud hosting multiple virtual servers ensure maximum uptime.
  • Physical security. The host implements multiple security parameters to ensure the security of your hosting environment. The host uses firewalls, encryption, multiple passwords etc., to prevent any unauthorized third party access.
  • Scalability and flexibility. Cloud hosting allows users to scale their resources as per their requirement. This means if you experience a sudden surge in the traffic you can immediately scale your resources to avoid any performance related issues.
  • Utility cost. The best part about cloud hosting is that it helps organizations to cut costs. In cloud hosting you only pay for the services you use. The pay per use model helps control your monthly expenditure over hosting.


Cloud server price is affordable then other hosting solutions. It provides unlimited resources for your website to perform flawlessly. You no longer need to worry about any performance related issues such as downtime or slow loading speed. On top of that you only pay for the services you use. This means you can save a lot of money and later invest that money in other departments such as sales and marketing. Dedicated hosting provides a dedicated server along with dedicated resources. This means high speed performance and faster loading speed. In dedicated hosting users also get complete root access to their server. This means you can customize the hosting environment as per your requirement. You can install the operating system of your preference such as Windows and Linux. In VPS hosting users also get complete root access to their server. However, the limited set of resources can compromise your performance.